A.R.S. Italy:
quote associative anno 2024. We remind everyone that the membership fee, which also includes antenna insurance, It is € 15

By joining the group, you have the right to:
1) Membership card
2) Information periodical “La Radio”
3) Antenna insurance policy for any damage caused to third parties
4) Legal protection in the event of disputes... such as condominiums

Who renews and new members must, in the entry, effect the payment of the fee and send the receipt scanned in

Preghiamo coloro che hanno intenzione di rinnovare, di effettuare i relativi payments within ol 31/01/2024.

Non vi sono more ma trascorso il 28 February 2024, A.R.S. Italy considererà receduti coloro che non hanno inteso rinnovare la quota sociale.

Remember that only those who are owner of the card can access the services:

Polizza tutela legale e ad altri servizi A.R.S. Italy.

Ecco i costi per i rinnovi.

Social security fee and antenna insurance, including the antenna insurance and legal protection service: 15€

Bonifico bancario alle seguenti coordinate:

They were: IT40Y0569651010000006723X73

Banca Popolare di Sondrio

Intestato: Amateur Radio Society


Make a donation to your Association


Le donazioni possono essere fatte tramite cliccando sull’immagine


The best way to think of our Members:


Chiedere info sulla polizza di Tutela Legale a

N.B.: La polizza sarà valida solo se stipulata prima di eventuali controversie.