The Radio at “Luter King” of Pistoia

The Radio, that #Marconiana, from which our radios directly derive, it seems, present day, a little outdated, great technological innovations are awaited. Nowadays the world of communications requires it “instantaneousness”and security in the exchange of information. Our, suffers a bit there “latency, let's call it that, due precisely to a phenomenon called #propagation. You can even go around the world, if the propagation of radio waves allows it. Otherwise you stop a few hundred kilometers from the point of issue. It’ a fascinating world that, thanks to the will of the #Radioamatori, it is often brought to the attention of school children who manage to have even basic information on the medium we are talking about.

The world of #Radio, thanks to our Circle A.R.S. of Prato, it is among the school desks “Martin Luther King” of Pistoia. The young students, together with their teachers, they succeeded in their their their first “Qso” in Radio… QSO, this stranger, the reader who is not familiar with our world would say. Radio amateurs make use of it, in their dialogue, of a code called “Q” which derives directly from the one used by the military in World War II and currently used , sovente, from us Radio amateurs. For those who want to know more, in conclusion, we provide you with a link to Wikypedia.

Thanks to Iz5bry Stafano iz5ios Rudy and iz5ekx Moreno who participated and with their skills made the event possible,To be continued…

IZ5NRF Francesco Representative of the Amateur Radio Society of Prato.

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Codice Q


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